I got a glimpse into AnnaKate's imgination yesterday. I came into her room to find her playing with Lilly the mouse on the changing table...
She got a diaper...

She got some wipes...
And then she put Lilly in the Diaper Champ...I think she got a little confused here! :)
I just love seeing AnnaKate's imagination at work.
At least she had the basic premise down. I guess she figured that Lilly was too stinky so the Diaper Champ was the best place for her. A child after my own heart! In fact AK could have gone in the Diaper Champ a few time if I had my way....stinky girl!!!
Guess Who?
Ha! AnnaKate, you make me laugh:). Somedays my Owen is so stinky that I could put him in the Diaper Champ too:). It is great to see her imagination at work!
She's a great Mommy (has the general concept down!) ;) Go AK!
Love it. I will have to review the last step with her before I have her babysit.
The girl knows how to have fun! The most important life skill there is. Yay AK. Got a few diaps over here you could change...
My Grace would love Lilly the mouse!
ok - I laughed out loud - ADORABLE!! But is she ever anything less?
That is so stinkin cute! The mouse part in the diaper champ made me laugh. We just love you, AnnaKate!
Grace & I got a good laugh from this cute post. Oh adorable AK.
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