Today we attacked the yard with AnnaKate. She loves being outside but we worried if she would entertain herself while we worked. Well...she did!! She loved drawing with sidewalk chalk, raking and playing in the dirt. We worked for hours!
Our yard is coming along and we hope to mulch this week. This is a real milestone for us!! :) I am sure the neighbors will appreciate it...

A bucket or a hiding place?????

We love working in the yard too! And obviously AK does...nothing goes together better than kids and dirt. Your yard is beautiful!
So cute...Spencer used to enjoy working in the yard 'till he figured out he was working?!!!!! She's growing so much!
OH, I so am with you about the yard work!! We started a project last year that we hope to finish this year and then try and stay on top of it all. All our plants died after Nathan was born because no one was home for 5 months. The once nicely manicured grass was over taken by 6 foot tall weeds... ( I have pictures to prove it) I'll post about it later but wanted to say...
How wonderful that AK could entertaine herself and garden with you. The Hiding place is priceless.
love that bucket shot!!
I felt like this was a post I should be writing - I actually just apologized to our neighbor for how neglected our yard has been for the past 2 years since Cohen's been born. We used to love doing yard work too!! Maybe you've inspired me to get out there and start loving on it again!!
I've always been envious and in awe of your awesome yard! I have many fond memories of sitting in your beautiful backyard (in Cartersville!)! Remember those days?
Having children really does slow you down for a few years!
We loved seeing you guys outside yesterday! It was a perfect day for yard work. Your house and garden always look wonderful- never neglected! See you outside more this week!
Oh yes, our once manicured, green, weed free lawn has paid the price too! I hope to get back to it this spring. We are still drowning in rain showers...but the sun is coming...I hope.
I love the bucket over her head,too cute! She still looks like a princess, even with dirt on her jeans!
Also proof that you can look good doin' yardwork! Go AK!love, A Cathy
How did you create the picture grids on you blog and how did you post them on your blog
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