Sunday, March 29, 2009

Making Progress!

I am pleased to announce that AnnaKate is making great progress with her walking! I was getting a little frustrated because she really did not seem to want to walk. But this weekend she really has started to walk with much more confidence and is taking more independent steps. She will even let go of your finger when she feels confident enough.
Enjoy this walking video.

Signing Progress
AnnaKate's signing or lack of, has really been a sore spot for me. I majored in education for hearing handicap so you would think that I would have no problem teaching signs to my daughter. WRONG! She has had such a hard time picking up new signs. She can sign more, all done, and yes. I try and try to teach new signs and then get frustrated after working on one sign and having no progress. But on Friday she picked up a new sign with little effort. She will now sign "night-night". Even better it is at the appropriate time. It is so cute the way she cocks her head to pretend she is sleeping. (By the way, my sign for night-night may not be the approved sign but it was one that she could do. Disclaimer for Melissa!)
This morning I made pancakes for her and showed her the sign and she got it immediately. (Again my sign was a simpler version...just pat your hands twice) So maybe I was pushing her to sign before she was ready. This is probably a good lesson for me to learn. I need to not push so only frustrates me and does not seem to help!

Signing night-night while taking a rest with daddy!


Anna said...

Yay AK! Looks like you're learning lots of new stuff! :)

Holly said...

Can I just tell you how proud I am of her--and her parents too?!? Amazing!

Cindy said...

She's doing great, Kelly! I recognize that walk she's doing...8-10 solid steps between people. She's going to be walking on her own, with her own initiative, in no time!

Brandi said...

I am glad to hear about her signing. We signed with Bella and thank goodness we did because she had a lot to say before she could even talk.

We sign with Nathan and I know he comprehends: more, book, eat, night night and bath, but we are not sure how to progress with him. I guess we will just be patient like you were!

I love reading about AnnaKate, she is doing amazing things. It's so encouraging!

Jacqui said...

Go AK you are taking so many brave steps!!!!!

I am new to this signing thing with our Matt. I was invited to a signing course using MAKATON (UK based programme although they are making a South African based one now). There the signs seemed based on the official deaf signing, but much simplified so that kiddies with developmental issues are not thrown off by fine motor challenges. So I would imagine you making signs accessible to AK should be fine. We were told it was all about getting a message across, not getting the sign right.
Also the other thing that I found interesting is that we were not encouraged to teach or specifically "work on" signs, but rather use basic signs all the time in all contexts as we were speaking. That way our kids could pick up the signs that interested them at their pace. I was picturing going home and teaching Matt one sign at a time, but I was rather encouraged to just use about 30 signs consistently through the day - signs for mum, dad, see, look, eat, food, drink, cup, bath, sit, get up etc. I don't know if that will take a bit of pressure off you to feel like you need to train AK, rather focus on constant exposure to signs. But as I said, this is all new to me. I would love to hear more about your thoughts and learnings around signing.

Anonymous said...

Look at her go! She is going to be running circles around you guys before you know it.


Anxious AF said...

I love the walking video! She is adorable. We arent making any progress on signs, I of course think Im not doing enough, but I honeslty think he is just not ready for it. I know he understand lots of what we say, but as far as him signing what he needs or wants, we are a long way off.

Anna said...

That's so exciting for you guys! Don't be hard on yourself, it's hard not to push, but in the end AK has her own timetable (as we all do).

Anonymous said...

I am encouraged by your post. Just this morning I was feeling frustrated with signing too.. I like Jacqui's comment on just using the signs throughout the day and not trying to teach. I am so proud of AnnaKate and her steps. I hope Noah gets there soon.

Melissa said...


You are doing really well Kelly. You can make up whatever signs you want. If the sign works and has meaning to you then it is the right sign. The sign for 'more' is made in a similar manner as other signs, and it can be used in so many situations. I like Jacqui's technique of using several signs all the time.

Kerri H said...

Great Job AK! i've always meant to tell you that that picture of AK up top on your blog reminds of Logie (the expression!) Cutie! She's doing great with signing! Such a slow process of for us..he picks up a few here and there but not as quick as I would like...the last sign he learned was time (time to eat). For Logan's yes..he nods his head.. Look out AK's on a roll!!

Anonymous said...

I just have to give a shout out to the awesome Daddy move at the end of the video. The pick up and neck kisses are the best proud daddy moment - You are lucky to have it on video! Katie

Michelle said...

Austin has a really hard time with signs. He can't manipulate his hands well enough to do signs correctly. Frustrating! In fact, as of today I'm starting to push signing again. He knows signs but doesn't use but 3 on a regular basis. Let's see how we do...

Anonymous said...

That is some BIG-TIME walking! Tell AK that Aunt Cathy loves her and is so proud!